Festival for Stage Fencing Silver Sword (Moscow)

Vic Hartog heeft verzocht de volgende informatie door te geven, vooral omdat op het moment de toneelacademies in Nederland het toneelschermen niet langer actief ondersteunen. Heeft iemand een leerling die hiervoor in aanmerking komt, geef hem of haar dit door!

I very much would like to invite fencers (artistic fencing) to us to a festival the ” Silver Sword”.

It will be in April 20-25 in Moscow. We received unexpected information that the embassy of Holland in Moscow can pay on this trip for two-three persons.

But we have to answer as soon as possible  . I very much hope that you will be able to help me with this question. It is better if it there are actors or students of drama schools as it is specifics of our festival. I will send all additional information if it is necessary.

With hope of your help!

With all my best

Yana Arshavskaya alar.jana@gmail.com


Announcement Silver Sword







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